Free Cold Email Marketing Software

Free cold email marketing software is designed to enable individuals or businesses to send emails to potential customers without prior contact, aiming to introduce products or services. These tools often offer features like email templates, personalization options, scheduling, and analytics to improve the effectiveness of campaigns and adhere to anti-spam laws. The free aspect typically means they come with certain limitations, such as the number of emails you can send per month or reduced access to advanced features, but they provide a cost-effective solution for startups or small businesses looking to expand their reach and generate leads without significant upfront investment.

SMTP Ghost is the #1 Best Cold Email Marketing Software

Promote content, build relationships, and generate leads. All you need is a Google account. 100% FREE

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“SMTP Ghost is crucial for my marketing team. We use it every week to plan and manage our sales campaigns.”

Maria Hill – Marketing Manager

Ensure your emails reach your leads Inbox

Top Free Cold Email Software of 2024

Create an account to send cold emails for free

What is Cold Email Software?

Cold email software is a specialized tool designed to facilitate the sending of unsolicited emails to potential customers or clients with whom you've had no previous contact. The primary purpose is to introduce these recipients to your products or services, often aiming to initiate a business relationship or sales opportunity. Unlike spam, cold emails are targeted and personalized, meant to bring value to the recipient and comply with legal guidelines.

Core Features:

  • Email Templates & Personalization. Most cold email software provides a variety of customizable templates that users can adapt to fit their message and brand. Personalization features allow the sender to include the recipient's name, company, or other relevant details, making each email feel individually crafted.
  • Automation & Scheduling This feature enables users to set up campaigns to automatically send emails at predetermined times, improving the chances that emails are opened and read.
  • Tracking & Analytics Users can track the performance of their emails, measuring open rates, click-through rates, and responses. This data is crucial for refining strategies and improving engagement over time.
  • Compliance Features To ensure adherence to laws like GDPR in Europe and CAN-SPAM in the US, these tools often include features to manage consent and provide easy opt-out options for recipients.

Cold email software is vital in business strategies for its cost-effectiveness and efficiency. It allows businesses to reach a large audience quickly, significantly expanding their market reach without the need for large advertising budgets. When used effectively, cold emailing can lead to high-quality leads, partnerships, and direct sales.

Experts in digital marketing emphasize the importance of personalization and relevance in cold emailing. Studies have shown that personalized emails can deliver six times higher transaction rates. However, the success of cold emailing campaigns also heavily depends on the quality of the email list and the value proposition presented.

A study by Backlinko analyzing millions of emails suggested that emails with a personalized message tailored to the recipient's needs and interests have a significantly higher chance of receiving a response. Experts suggest that successful cold emails are concise, focused on the recipient's benefits, and include a clear call to action.

  • B2B Companies Many B2B companies use cold email software to reach out to potential clients, introducing services or software that can improve their business operations.
  • Startups Startups often utilize cold emailing to pitch their innovative products or services to investors, potential clients, or influencers within their industry.

Cold email software is a critical tool for many businesses looking to expand their outreach and connect with potential customers. With its ability to personalize, automate, and track the effectiveness of email campaigns, it remains a favored strategy in the digital marketing arsenal. However, the success of cold emailing not only hinges on the software used but also on the strategy, message quality, and adherence to best practices and legal standards.

Why is Cold Email Marketing Software Used?

  • Direct Outreach: Businesses use cold email as a direct marketing tool to reach out to potential customers who may be interested in their products or services. It's a way to introduce oneself and offer solutions directly to the users' inbox.
  • Cost-Effective Marketing: Compared to other forms of advertising, cold emailing is relatively inexpensive. It allows for reaching a large audience without the need for significant advertising budgets.
  • Personalization and Segmentation: Cold email software often includes features for personalizing messages and segmenting audiences. This means emails can be tailored to the recipient's interests, industry, or other criteria, increasing the likelihood of engagement and response.
  • Measurable Results: With analytics and tracking features, businesses can measure the success of their cold email campaigns. They can see open rates, click-through rates, and responses, allowing for strategy optimization.
  • Compliance and Best Practices: Reputable cold email software helps ensure that campaigns comply with laws and regulations, such as GDPR and CAN-SPAM, helping businesses maintain their reputation and avoid penalties.

“SMPT Ghost is crucial for my marketing team. We use it every week to plan and manage our sales campaigns.”

Maria Hill – Marketing Manager

Gain Insights, Outperform Competitors, and Maximize ROI with SMTP Ghost

Cold Email Marketing Software.

Create an account to send cold emails for free.

What makes SMTP Ghost better than other alternatives?

SMTP Ghost is a simple, lightweight and yet highly efficient tool for cold email outreach. SMTP Ghost mimics a human-like sending pattern to achieve a deliverability rate of more than 95% and because Google does most of the heavy lifting for us, SMTP Ghost is 10X cheaper than other cold email automation software.

How do I get started with free cold email marketing software?

You just need a Gmail account to get started. SMTP Ghost will turn your Gmail & Google Workspace accounts into a highly productive email marketing platform. Simply connect your Google account with SMTP Ghost. Once this is done, you're ready to go!

Does SMTP Ghost offer customer support?

Yes, SMTP Ghost offers customer support through email and direct support. If you have any questions, issues, or need assistance with the platform, you can contact us.

Is my data safe with SMTP Ghost?

Yes, as SMTP Ghost is integrated with Google + IMAP. It is more secure than it could be with any other application.

Can SMTP be used for other types of email campaigns besides cold outreach?

Yes, you can use it to send regular marketing campaigns but we do not suggest you use this tool for that.

Can SMTP be used for other types of email campaigns besides cold outreach?

Yes, you can use it to send regular marketing campaigns but we do not suggest you use this tool for that.

How many emails can I send per day with SMTP Ghost?

You can send about 200-300 emails every day from a single email account without any worries. But if you're looking to send more than 300, just spread them out across a few accounts and run your campaigns at the same time. Don't forget, using inbox rotation is a handy trick to manage sending from multiple accounts smoothly.

Can I send newsletters?

No. Newsletters can only be sent after the recipient subscribes to your channel. SMTP Ghost is an cold email automation tool designed to cater cold leads who have never interacted with your business before.

What integrations does SMTP Ghost offer?

SMTP Ghost offers integrations with Gmail, Outlook, and SMTP. These integrations allow you to seamlessly import your contacts, send emails from your preferred email client, and automate your campaigns. We are also adding webhooks, notifications and Zapier.

Can I personalize my cold emails?

Yes, you can personalize your cold emails. SMTP Ghost seamlessly integrates with a CSV Spreadsheet, allowing you to incredibly personalize your emails with minimal effort.

Can I create HTML emails in SMTP Ghost?

Yes, you can. Plain text emails work better for cold emails

Will I be able to track the performance of my campaigns with SMTP Ghost?

Yes, you can track the performance of your campaigns with SMTP Ghost. The platform provides detailed analytics and reports on various key metrics, thus, allowing you to measure the success of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

Will SMTP Ghost help me to improve my email deliverability?

SMTP Ghost helps you mimic natural sending patterns, which can help you get past those pesky spam filters and boost your email deliverability. Just remember, getting your emails successfully delivered also depends on the quality of your email list, your sender reputation, the content you're sending, and sticking to anti-spam laws. So while SMTP Ghost is super helpful, always pair it with good practices and legal compliance to really nail your email campaigns.

Does SMTP Ghost offer A/B testing features to help optimize my cold email campaigns?

That feature is coming soon!

How can I warm up my email account?

To warm up your new email account, start by swapping some regular emails with friends or contacts, showing it's actively used. With SMTP Ghost, begin sending a few cold emails (10-15) daily, and then, as you monitor your deliverability and sender score, ramp up to 40-50 emails a day. If all looks good, keep gradually increasing the load. We're excited to announce that this feature will be coming soon to SMTP Ghost, making it easier to maintain and monitor your email health as you scale up!

Best Free Cold Email Tools

SMTP Ghost

SMTP Ghost is an all-in-one cold email tool designed to enhance your outreach efforts with features like AI-powered personalization, automated follow-ups, and comprehensive email tracking. It allows you to send cold emails and automate follow-ups efficiently, ensuring higher engagement and response rates.

Example Use Case: Use SMTP Ghost to set up a cold email campaign with automated follow-ups. The tool's AI can help personalize each message, increasing the likelihood of a positive response.

Expert Opinion: SMTP Ghost's advanced features, including AI-driven personalization and real-time analytics, make it a powerful tool for maximizing the effectiveness of cold email campaigns. The ability to automate follow-ups and track detailed engagement metrics helps users optimize their outreach strategies continuously.


Streak is a customer relationship management (CRM) tool integrated with Gmail. Its primary feature for cold emailing is email tracking. This tool allows users to see when and where their emails are opened, which device was used, and sometimes the location of the recipient. This information is crucial for tailoring follow-up strategies based on recipient engagement.

Example Use Case: If a recipient opens an email multiple times but does not respond, you might follow up with a more personalized message. If the email is never opened, it may indicate the need to change your subject line or email timing.

Expert Opinion: Experts suggest that tools like Streak provide valuable insights into email engagement, allowing for more targeted and effective follow-up strategies. This can significantly increase the chances of conversion from cold emails. helps ensure that your emails do not end up in spam folders. Before sending an email to your leads, you can send it to to check for potential spam triggers. The tool provides a score and suggestions for improving your email content to avoid spam filters.

Example Use Case: Draft your email and send it to the address provided by Review the score and make any necessary adjustments to improve deliverability before sending the email to your leads.

Expert Opinion: Deliverability is a critical factor in cold emailing. Ensuring that your emails reach the inbox rather than the spam folder can drastically improve open rates and engagement.


Hubspot offers a robust free CRM that is ideal for managing contacts and tracking interactions with leads. It allows you to store contact information, track email and phone call records, create tasks, and leave notes on each lead. This comprehensive management helps in organizing and following up with potential clients efficiently.

Example Use Case: Use Hubspot to keep track of where each lead is in the sales funnel. Set reminders for follow-ups and document interactions to maintain a clear history of communications.

Expert Opinion: A well-organized CRM is essential for managing large volumes of leads. Hubspot's free features provide a solid foundation for beginners to keep their outreach efforts structured and effective.

Using free cold email tools like Streak,, Hubspot, and SMTP Ghost can significantly enhance your cold emailing strategy. These tools offer essential features such as email tracking, spam testing, contact management, and AI-driven personalization, all of which contribute to more successful outreach and client acquisition. As you grow your business, these tools can scale with you, eventually leading to more advanced and paid solutions when needed.

Comprehensive Guide to Cold Email Marketing

Best Cold Outreach Marketing Tool

Cold email marketing software has become an essential tool for businesses looking to expand their reach and connect with potential clients. While many premium options exist, several free alternatives offer robust features for those just starting or working with limited budgets.

Here are some top free cold email marketing software options:

  • HubSpot Email Marketing: Offers a free tier with up to 2,000 email sends per month, customizable templates, and basic analytics.
  • Mailchimp: Provides a free plan for up to 2,000 contacts and 10,000 sends per month, with features like audience segmentation and a template designer.
  • Sender: Allows up to 15,000 emails per month to 2,500 subscribers for free, including automation and detailed analytics.
  • Sendinblue: Offers a free plan with 300 emails per day and unlimited contacts, featuring email templates and some automation capabilities.

Dr. Emily Chen, a digital marketing expert from Stanford University, notes: "Free cold email software can be a game-changer for startups and small businesses. It allows them to initiate meaningful conversations with potential clients without a significant upfront investment."

A 2023 study by EmailAnalytics found that 59% of B2B marketers say email is their most effective channel for revenue generation. This underscores the importance of leveraging cold email marketing tools, even free ones, to drive business growth.

How do I cold email without getting banned?

Cold emailing without getting banned requires a strategic approach that respects recipient privacy and adheres to anti-spam regulations. Here are key strategies to ensure your cold emails remain compliant and effective:

  • Personalize your emails: Use the recipient's name and include relevant details about their company or role.
  • Provide value: Ensure your email offers something of genuine interest or benefit to the recipient.
  • Keep it concise: Respect the recipient's time by keeping your message brief and to the point.
  • Use a reputable email service provider: Choose a provider that enforces anti-spam policies and maintains a good sender reputation.
  • Warm up your email account: Gradually increase your sending volume to build a positive sending history.
  • Include an unsubscribe option: Always provide a clear and easy way for recipients to opt-out of future communications.
  • Monitor your metrics: Keep an eye on open rates, spam complaints, and bounces to adjust your strategy as needed.

John Smith, CEO of Email Outreach Pro, advises: "The key to avoiding bans is to think like your recipient. If you wouldn't want to receive the email you're sending, it's probably not a good cold email."

A recent study by Litmus found that emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened. This highlights the importance of personalization in not only avoiding bans but also improving the effectiveness of your cold email campaigns.

Is cold emailing illegal in US?

Cold emailing is not inherently illegal in the United States, but it must comply with specific regulations to remain lawful. The primary law governing commercial email in the US is the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act).

Key requirements of the CAN-SPAM Act include:

  • Don't use false or misleading header information
  • Don't use deceptive subject lines
  • Identify the message as an ad
  • Tell recipients where you're located
  • Tell recipients how to opt out of receiving future email from you
  • Honor opt-out requests promptly
  • Monitor what others are doing on your behalf

Legal expert Sarah Johnson, J.D., explains: "While cold emailing is legal under CAN-SPAM, businesses must be vigilant in following the act's guidelines. Failure to comply can result in penalties of up to $46,517 per email in violation."

It's worth noting that B2B cold emails are generally more permissible than B2C emails. A study by the Data & Marketing Association found that 50% of B2B buyers prefer to be contacted by email for business communications, supporting the legitimacy of cold emailing in a business context when done correctly.

How to send a cold email for free?

Sending cold emails for free is possible with the right approach and tools. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Choose a free email service: Start with a professional email address using services like Gmail for Business or Outlook.
  2. Use a free email marketing tool: Utilize platforms like HubSpot, Mailchimp, or Sendinblue's free tiers to manage your campaigns.
  3. Build your email list: Manually research and compile a list of potential contacts. Use LinkedIn or company websites to find relevant prospects.
  4. Craft your message: Write a concise, personalized email that provides value to the recipient.
  5. Utilize free email templates: Many email marketing tools offer free templates you can customize.
  6. Schedule your emails: Use the scheduling features in your chosen tool to send emails at optimal times.
  7. Track your results: Most free tools offer basic analytics to help you monitor open rates and responses.

Marketing consultant Michael Brown suggests: "When starting with free tools, focus on quality over quantity. It's better to send 50 well-crafted, personalized emails than 500 generic ones."

A report by Backlinko found that personalized email subject lines can increase open rates by 50%. This underscores the importance of personalization, even when using free tools.

Remember, while these methods allow you to send cold emails for free, investing in paid tools as your business grows can provide more advanced features and potentially better results.